Excelling in Software Development as a Non-Computer Science Major: A Guide to Success

Excelling in Software Development as a Non-Computer Science Major: A Guide to Success


11 min read


During my journey to acquire coding skills, I learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Initially, I felt confident in my abilities as a programmer, however, this perception was short-lived as I soon realized there were important skills I had yet to master. Determined to improve, I focused on honing these skills during my work as a software developer. With this in mind, I have composed this article with the intent to assist individuals, particularly those without a computer science background, who aspire to join the world of software development and acquire the essential skills necessary to excel in any company. It is my hope that this article will aid in achieving your goals.

What is software development?

Software development is the process of designing, creating, testing, and maintaining software using various programming languages and technologies. Software development is a multi-step process that involves a variety of tasks, including requirements gathering, design, coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The software development process/cycle starts with:

  1. Requirements gathering, where the developers work with stakeholders/Clients to understand the needs and goals of the software.

  2. Next, is the design phase, where the developers create a plan for how the software will be built, including the architecture and user interface.

  3. After the design phase, the developers will begin coding the software, using various programming languages and technologies. This is where the developers write the actual code that makes the software function.

  4. Once the software has been coded, it goes through a testing phase, where a developer will test the software to ensure it functions correctly and meets the requirements.

  5. After successful testing, the software is deployed, which means it is made available to users. Once the software is deployed, the developers will monitor and maintain the software, addressing any bugs or issues that arise, and updating the software as needed.

Software development is a complex process that involves many different tasks and skills, including programming, project management, and testing. It is constantly evolving as new technologies and programming languages emerge, and as the needs of users change over time.

Software Development Life Cycle Digram

What are software developers?

Software developers design, create, test, and maintain software using a variety of programming languages and technologies. There are many project types that software developers work on, including simple applications for personal use and complex systems for large organizations. It is possible for a software developer to work on the development of new software, as well as to maintain and update existing software. A software developer may work in a variety of fields, including technology, finance, healthcare, and other fields. Additionally, they may work as freelancers or as part of a company's development team. Developers are responsible for creating software that meets users' needs and solves their problems.

What are the Types of Software Developers?

Software developers cover a wide range of skills and specializations, as the field is quite broad, Software developers typically fall into one of the following types:

  • Front-end developers: Here where you will specialize in creating the user interface and user experience of a website or application. You will use languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the visual elements of the software and make it easy to use.

  • Back-end developers: Back-end focus on the server-side of software development, you will be working with languages like Java, Python, Ruby, Rust, C#, and PHP ...etc to create the logic and functionality of the software.

  • Full-stack developers: These developers have a broad range of skills and can work on both the front-end and back-end of software development. They can create the complete software.

  • Mobile developers: You will specialize here in creating software for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. They may use languages like Swift, C++, Objective C, and Java to create iOS and Android apps.

  • Game developers: As a Game developer you will create video games, using languages like C++ and Unity.

  • Embedded systems developer: You will create software that runs on embedded systems, such as control systems, industrial automation systems, and IoT devices.

  • Data scientists and analysts: Data developers usually use data analysis and machine learning to create software that can analyze large sets of data and make predictions based on that data.

  • Cybersecurity developers: These developers focus on creating software that can protect computer systems and networks from cyber threats. They may work with languages like C Python and even Ruby to create security software.

  • Artificial intelligence/machine learning developers: These developers specialize in creating software that can learn and make decisions, such as self-driving cars, and natural language processing.

  • DevOps developers: These developers focus on the processes and tools that enable software development, testing, and deployment, such as automation and containerization.

  • Blockchain developers: These developers specialize in creating software that uses blockchain technology, such as cryptocurrency wallets and smart contracts.

  • Internet of Things (IoT) developers: These developers specialize in creating software that can be used to control and monitor IoT devices, such as smart home systems.

  • Quality assurance and testing developers: These developers specialize in testing and validating software, to ensure that it meets the requirements and specifications.

  • Virtual and Augmented Reality developers: These developers specialize in creating software that can be used in virtual or augmented reality environments.

These are some of the most common types of software developers, but there are many more, as new technologies lead to new roles.

Excelling in Software Development as a Non-Computer Science Major: A Guide to Success

Despite not having a computer science background, there are various skills that can be acquired to excel as a software developer:

  1. Programming languages

    Start learning one or more programming languages, such as Python, JavaScript, or Java. These languages are widely used in software development and are a good starting point for learning the basics of programming.

  2. Problem-solving

    Develop your problem-solving skills. Software development often involves solving complex problems, so being able to think logically and break down problems into smaller pieces will help you in your career. This includes identifying and defining the problem, researching and evaluating potential solutions, creating and implementing a plan, and continuously testing and refining the software to ensure it meets the needs of the user and is free of bugs.

  1. Data structures and algorithms

    Data structures and algorithms are important for software developers because they provide a way to organize and manipulate data efficiently. The choice of data structure and algorithm can greatly impact the performance of a software program, and understanding the trade-offs between different options is crucial for writing efficient and scalable code.

    Data structures, such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs, provide a way to store and access data in a specific way. For example, using a hash table can provide faster lookups for large data sets than a simple linear search through an array. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different data structures can help a developer choose the right one for a given task, which can greatly improve the performance of the program.

    Algorithms, on the other hand, provide a way to solve problems and perform operations on data. Sorting algorithms, for example, provide different ways to sort data. Some sorting algorithms like bubble sort and insertion sort are easy to understand and implement but have poor performance for large data sets, while others like quicksort and merge sort are more complex but have better performance. Understanding the time and space complexity of different algorithms can help a developer choose the most appropriate one for a given problem.

  2. Understanding of computer science fundamentals

    Understanding the fundamental concepts of computer science, such as memory management, operating systems, and computer architecture are important for software developers because these concepts are the foundation of how computers work.

    Memory management is important because it determines how a program uses and accesses the computer's memory. Understanding how memory is allocated and deallocated, as well as how to avoid common memory-related errors such as buffer overflow and memory leaks, can help a developer write more efficient and stable code.

    Operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS, provide the interface between the computer's hardware and the software that runs on it. Understanding how operating systems work and how to design software that works well with different operating systems can help a developer create more portable and robust software.

    Computer architecture is the design and organization of a computer system, this includes the way that different components such as the CPU, memory, and disk storage work together. Understanding computer architecture can help a developer write code that is optimized for a specific system and make the best use of its resources.

  3. Technical documentation

    Understands the process of software development because it is an essential part of the software development process.

    Technical documentation is a written record of the design, development, and maintenance of software. It includes things like requirements documents, design specifications, user manuals, and API documentation. Being able to read and write technical documentation is important because it allows developers to understand the requirements and design of a software project and to communicate their own ideas and designs to others.

    Understanding the process of software development is also important because it allows developers to plan and organize their work effectively. Software development typically follows a process such as the Agile or Waterfall method, understanding the different steps and best practices of the process can help developers to know how to approach a project, how to manage their tasks and deadlines, and how to work with other team members.

  4. Communication skills

    Good communication skills are key for working with a team and communicating with clients. Being able to clearly explain technical concepts and work with other team members to achieve a common goal is crucial.

  5. Continuous learning

    Open to learning new technologies, programming languages, and best practices in software development. This field is constantly evolving and staying up-to-date with new developments is key to success.

  6. Project management

    You can also consider learning project management skills, as it will help you to manage your time and resources effectively and deliver software on time.

It's worth noting that becoming a software developer is a process that takes time and practice, but with the right mindset, skills, and resources anyone can become a software developer.

  1. Command line and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • A command line is a powerful tool that allows software developers to interact with their computer's operating system and perform various tasks, such as navigating the file system, running scripts, and installing software. Being proficient in the command line can greatly increase a developer's productivity and efficiency.

  • An IDE is a software application that provides a comprehensive environment for software development, including tools for editing, debugging and testing code. Mastering an IDE can greatly increase a developer's productivity by providing a wide range of tools and features that can automate repetitive tasks and make it easier to write, test and debug code.

  • Automation: Both the command line and IDE can be used to automate repetitive tasks, increasing the developer's productivity.

  • Troubleshooting: Knowing how to use the command line and an IDE can also be helpful in troubleshooting software issues that may arise, by identifying if the problem is related to hardware or software.

  • Cross-platform compatibility: Command line and IDE skills are also important for working with different operating systems, as many of the same commands and tools are available on different platforms, allowing developers to work seamlessly across different systems.

  • Collaboration: Command line and IDE skills are also important for working with other developers, as they are commonly used in version control systems, code review, and team collaboration.

Why Should You Consider Becoming a Software Developer?

There are many reasons why someone might consider becoming a software engineer, including:

  • High demand for software engineers: In the coming years, software engineers will continue to be in high demand. This means those with the right skills and experience will find many job opportunities.

  • High earning potential: Software engineers often have high earning potential, with many earning salaries well above the national average.

  • Variety of industries: Software engineers can work in a variety of industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, automotive, and more. This allows for a diverse range of job opportunities.

  • Constant learning: The field of software engineering is constantly evolving, which means that software engineers are always learning new technologies and programming languages. This can make the job interesting and challenging.

  • Remote work: With the current COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have shifted to remote work, which can give software engineers the flexibility to work from anywhere.

  • Impactful work: Software engineering can be an impactful career choice, as software developers create products that can change people's lives and make the world a better place.

  • Career growth opportunities: With the increasing need for software engineers, there are opportunities for career growth and development, such as management or leading a team.

  • Self-employment possibility: Software engineering is one of the fields that enable one to be self-employed, it's possible to develop and sell own software to the market.

A career in software engineering can be challenging as well as rewarding, offering a high earning potential, a diverse job market, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Lastly, here are some tips you can follow if you want to become a software engineer

  1. Stay current with new technologies and programming languages. The IT industry is constantly evolving, so it's important to keep learning and adapting to new tools and platforms.

  2. Focus on developing strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. These skills are essential for any software engineer, regardless of the specific technologies they are working with.

  3. Build a strong understanding of computer science fundamentals. Concepts like data structures, algorithms, and computer architecture will help you understand how software systems work and how to design efficient solutions.

  4. Develop a diverse skill set. As the industry evolves, it will be helpful to know multiple programming languages and technologies.

  5. Participate in open source projects or contribute to community projects. This will give you an opportunity to work on real-world projects and gain experience working with other developers.

  6. Network and Connect with other professionals in the field. This will help you stay informed about new developments and trends in the industry, as well as help you build connections that may lead to new job opportunities.